Learn About React Props

Siddharth Saxena
5 min readNov 22, 2020

Pass Props to a Stateless Functional Component

It’s time to look at another feature very common in React: props. In React, you can pass props, or properties, to child components. Say you have an App component which renders a child component called Welcome which is a stateless functional component. You can pass Welcome a user property by writing:

<Welcome user='Mark' />

You use custom HTML attributes created by you and supported by React to be passed to the component. In this case, the created property user is passed to the component Welcome. Since Welcome is a stateless functional component, it has access to this value like so:

const Welcome = (props) => <h1>Hello, {props.user}!</h1>

It is standard to call this value props and when dealing with stateless functional components, you basically consider it as an argument to a function which returns JSX. You can access the value of the argument in the function body. With class components, you will see this is a little different.

Pass an Array as Props

To pass an array to a JSX element, it must be treated as JavaScript and wrapped in curly braces.

<ChildComponent colors={["green", "blue", "red"]} />

The child component then has access to the array property colors. Array methods such as join() can be used when accessing the property. const ChildComponent = (props) => <p>{props.colors.join(', ')}</p> This will join all colors array items into a comma separated string and produce: <p>green, blue, red</p>

Use Default Props

React also has an option to set default props. You can assign default props to a component as a property on the component itself and React assigns the default prop if necessary. This allows you to specify what a prop value should be if no value is explicitly provided. For example, if you declare MyComponent.defaultProps = { location: 'San Francisco' }, you have defined a location prop that's set to the string San Francisco, unless you specify otherwise. React assigns default props if props are undefined, but if you pass null as the value for a prop, it will remain null.

Use PropTypes to Define the Props You Expect

React provides useful type-checking features to verify that components receive props of the correct type. For example, your application makes an API call to retrieve data that you expect to be in an array, which is then passed to a component as a prop. You can set propTypes on your component to require the data to be of type array. This will throw a useful warning when the data is of any other type.

It’s considered a best practice to set propTypes when you know the type of a prop ahead of time. You can define a propTypes property for a component in the same way you defined defaultProps. Doing this will check that props of a given key are present with a given type. Here's an example to require the type function for a prop called handleClick:

MyComponent.propTypes = { handleClick: PropTypes.func.isRequired }

In the example above, the PropTypes.func part checks that handleClick is a function. Adding isRequired tells React that handleClick is a required property for that component. You will see a warning if that prop isn't provided. Also notice that func represents function. Among the seven JavaScript primitive types, function and boolean (written as bool) are the only two that use unusual spelling. In addition to the primitive types, there are other types available. For example, you can check that a prop is a React element.

There are several different ways to specify props in JSX.

JavaScript Expressions as Props

You can pass any JavaScript expression as a prop, by surrounding it with {}. For example, in this JSX:

<MyComponent foo={1 + 2 + 3 + 4} />

For MyComponent, the value of props.foo will be 10 because the expression 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 gets evaluated.

if statements and for loops are not expressions in JavaScript, so they can’t be used in JSX directly. Instead, you can put these in the surrounding code. For example:

function NumberDescriber(props) {
let description;
if (props.number % 2 == 0) { description = <strong>even</strong>; } else { description = <i>odd</i>; } return <div>{props.number} is an {description} number</div>;

You can learn more about conditional rendering and loops in the corresponding sections.

String Literals

You can pass a string literal as a prop. These two JSX expressions are equivalent:

<MyComponent message="hello world" /><MyComponent message={'hello world'} />

When you pass a string literal, its value is HTML-unescaped. So these two JSX expressions are equivalent:

<MyComponent message="&lt;3" /><MyComponent message={'<3'} />

This behavior is usually not relevant. It’s only mentioned here for completeness.

Props Default to “True”

If you pass no value for a prop, it defaults to true. These two JSX expressions are equivalent:

<MyTextBox autocomplete /><MyTextBox autocomplete={true} />

In general, we don’t recommend not passing a value for a prop, because it can be confused with the ES6 object shorthand {foo} which is short for {foo: foo} rather than {foo: true}. This behavior is just there so that it matches the behavior of HTML.

Spread Attributes

If you already have props as an object, and you want to pass it in JSX, you can use ... as a “spread” operator to pass the whole props object. These two components are equivalent:

function App1() {
return <Greeting firstName="Ben" lastName="Hector" />;
function App2() {
const props = {firstName: 'Ben', lastName: 'Hector'};
return <Greeting {...props} />;}

You can also pick specific props that your component will consume while passing all other props using the spread operator.

const Button = props => {
const { kind, ...other } = props; const className = kind === "primary" ? "PrimaryButton" : "SecondaryButton";
return <button className={className} {...other} />;
const App = () => {
return (
<Button kind="primary" onClick={() => console.log("clicked!")}>
Hello World!

In the example above, the kind prop is safely consumed and is not passed on to the <button> element in the DOM. All other props are passed via the ...other object making this component really flexible. You can see that it passes an onClick and children props.

Spread attributes can be useful but they also make it easy to pass unnecessary props to components that don’t care about them or to pass invalid HTML attributes to the DOM. We recommend using this syntax sparingly.

Access Props Using this.props

The ES6 class component uses a slightly different convention to access props.

Anytime you refer to a class component within itself, you use the this keyword. To access props within a class component, you preface the code that you use to access it with this. For example, if an ES6 class component has a prop called data, you write {this.props.data} in JSX.

